Summary. -Adiabatic collisions (fusion, deep inelastic scattering) between two fullerenes are investigated on the basis of Quantum Molecular Dynamics. As a first application of the so-called Non-adiabatic Quantum Molecular Dynamics, developed recently, the non-adiabatic mechanism of collision induced dissociation in metallic clusterion-atom collisions is studied.PACS 34.10 -General theories and models of atomic and molecular collisions and interactions (including statistical theories, transition state, stochastic and trajectory models, etc.). PACS 34.50 -Scattering of atoms, molecules, and ions. PACS 36.40 -Atomic and molecular clusters. PACS 01.30.Cc -Conference proceedings.
-IntroductionThe field of cluster collisions represents an exciting new branch of collision physics. It is particularly a challenging field due to the large but finite numbers of electronic and atomic degrees of freedom invoked. According to these degrees of freedom one can distinguish two basically different types of collisions: i) adiabatic collisions, where electronic transitions do not occur or at least they are unimportant in order to understand the reaction mechanism, and ii) non-adiabatic collisions, where electronic excitation, ionization and charge transfer appear and/or the phenomena related to these transitions are just the quantities of interest.