The spinHamiltonian parameters (the g factors gi and the hyperne structure constants Ai, i = x, y, z) and local structure of the Cu 2+ center in PbTiO3 are theoretically studied by using the perturbation formulae of these parameters for a 3d 9 ion in an orthorhombically elongated octahedra. The orthorhombic center is attributed to Cu 2+ occupying the host Ti 4+ site associated with a nearestneighbouring oxygen vacancy VO along the caxis, and the impurity Cu 2+ o-center displacement ∆ZL (≈ 0.18 Å) is smaller than that of the host Ti 4+ site (∆ZH ≈ 0.3 Å). Meanwhile, the planar Cu 2+ O 2− bonds are found to experience the relative variation ∆R (≈ 0.098 Å) along the a-and b-axes, respectively, due to the JahnTeller eect and the size mismatching substitution of Ti 4+ by Cu 2+. The theoretical spin-Hamiltonian parameters based on the above defect structure agree well with the observed values.