ABSTRACT:The electron transfer (ET) properties of -electron conjugated quasione-dimensional molecular wires, consisting of polyene, [ϾCACϽ] n (n ϭ 1-11), including -carotene, is investigated using ab initio molecular orbital theory within Koopmans theorem (KT) approach. The ET coupling matrix element, V DA , for 1,3-transbutadiene molecule calculated with the KT approach shows excellent agreement with the corresponding results obtained with two-state model. The calculated values of V DA for the polyene oligomers exhibit exponential decrease in magnitude with increasing length of the wire. However, the decay curve exhibits three different regimes. The magnitude of the decay constant, , decreases with the increase in length of the wire. A highly delocalized -electron cloud in the polyene chain appears to facilitate retention of the electronic coupling at large separations between the donor and acceptor centers.