The kinetic and mechanistic investigation of oxidation
of HSC(O)H, HSS(O)H, CH3SC(O)H, and CH3SS(O)H
by OH radicals is performed extensively with the help of theoretical
calculations. The potential energy profiles for the titled reactions
are constructed at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//M06-2X/aug-cc-pVTZ level.
Two isomers, cis and trans, are observed for both HSC(O)H and HSS(O)H molecules. Reaction enthalpies and
reaction Gibbs free energies are calculated employing the M06-2X/aug-cc-pVTZ
method. The kinetic study uses canonical variational transition state
theory and small-curvature tunneling in the temperature range of 210–350
K. CVT/SCT rate coefficients are utilized for calculating branching
ratios. The atmospheric lifetime of HSC(O)H is computed
to be 26.76 h, 3.51 h for HSS(O)H, 1.55 years for
CH3SC(O)H, and 18.20 h for CH3SS(O)H. The global warming potential (GWP) and global
temperature change potential (GTP) of CH3SC(O)H are found to be significant, while cis-HSC(O)H,
trans-HSC(O)H, cis-HSS(O)H, trans-HSS(O)H, and CH3SS(O)H have negligible
GWPs and GTPs.