In this talk, we investigate Ξ(1690) − production from the K − p → K + K − Λ reaction wit the effective Lagrangian method and consider the s-and u-channel Σ/Λ ground states and resonances for the Ξ-pole contributions, in addition to the s-channel Λ, u-channel nucleon pole, and t-channel K −exchange for the φ-pole contributions. The Ξ-pole includes Ξ(1320), Ξ(1535), Ξ(1690)(J p = 1/2 − ), and Ξ(1820)(J p = 3/2 − ). We compute the Dalitz plot density of (d 2 σ/dM K + K − dM K − Λ at 4.2 GeV/c) and the total cross sections for the K − p → K + K − Λ. Employing the parameters from the fit, we present the cross sections for the two-body K − p → K + Ξ(1690) − reaction near the threshold. We also demonstrate that the Dalitz plot analysis for p K − = 1.915 ∼ 2.065 GeV/c makes us to explore direct information for Ξ(1690) − production, which can be done by future K − beam experiments.