An IR open to capitalism? Domination 'beyond anarchy' and the role of money as a global relation Abstract: The forum on domination 'beyond anarchy' has provided a welcome opening for study of inequality, hierarchies and power in contemporary world order for German IR. For practical and normative reasons, however, Daase, Deitellhoff and Ziirn's contributions dispense with the rich scholarly tradition of political economy. By zooming in on global money relations and the creation of money my contribution argues that the study of dom ination in IR requires an understanding of capitalist world society. The evidence is over whelming: Money, credit and debt are at the heart of conflicts for both in the EU and across the globe. In order to be able to deal with this reality IR needs to become IPE, too. An IR open to capitalism will thus include the forces and systemic constraints connected to global money relations and its concomitant inequalities.