Experimental and theoretical studies of arc cathode region have been made during several decades and the task is not yet completed, in spite of many efforts and progress. In this work, a numerical model describing the arc cathode region is developed. The arc is treated as a steady state phenomenon. The model is then applied to a vacuum arc discharge interacting with a Cu cathode at low current (4-50 A). The model yields the temperature and electric field strength at the cathode surface, electrons emitted and total current density, cathode spot radius, different kinds of power densities heating and cooling the cathode, and the plasma electron density. The comparison with experimental results shows good agreements.KEY WORDS: vacuum arc; cathode spot; cathode evaporation; cathode region; current density; power density heating the cathode; arc cathode spot radius.ISIJ International, Vol. 46 (2006), No. 11, pp. 1618-1625 sponsible of accelerating the emitted electrons from the cathode surface towards the ionization zone and the positive ions formed in the ionization zone towards the cathode. A net positive space charge of local density forms in the space charge zone as a result of the imbalance between the ion and electron density. The electrons extracted from the cathode travel mostly without collision in the space charge zone. When entering in the ionization zone, the emitted electrons have sufficient energy to ionize the copper atoms of vapor released from the cathode material. The resultant positive ions in the ionization zone are also accelerated in the space charge zone towards the cathode surface. The high electric field existing at the cathode surface which is necessary for electron emission from the cathode is created by these positive ions accumulated in front of the cathode surface. The ionization zone is the region in which the ion flux to the cathode surface is formed. The space charge sheath is the region in which ions going to the cathode and electrons emitted from the cathode are accelerated. In the next, we present a model for the vacuum arc cathode region in the case of copper cathode. This model can be applied for other metals.
Electric FieldThe electric field strength at the cathode surface is created by the positive ions and it is evaluated using a simplified equation of Mackeown. Where m i is the positive ion mass, U c is the cathode fall, e 0 is permittivity of free space, Z i is the mean ion charge, J i is the positive ions current density and e is the elementary charge.
Metallic Vapor PressureThe high temperature at the cathode surface causes evaporation of Cu atoms and significant local erosion of the cathode material is observed. During the process of arc operation, the flux density of copper G ev (in kg/m 2 · s) atoms leaving the cathode is described by the Hertz-Knudsen formula Here, T s is the local cathode surface temperature, P vap is the equilibrium vapor of the cathode material that correspond to local temperature, m cu is the atom mass of cathode material (m cu ϭ63 546 uma for Cu) a...