Abstract. Rewriting is a general and expressive way of specifying concurrent systems, where concurrent transitions are axiomatized by rewrite rules. Narrowing is a complete symbolic method for model checking reachability properties. We show that this method can be reinterpreted as a lifting simulation relating the original system and the symbolic system associated to the narrowing transitions. Since the narrowing graph can be infinite, this lifting simulation only gives us a semi-decision procedure for the failure of invariants. However, we propose new methods for folding the narrowing tree that can in practice result in finite systems that symbolically simulate the original system and can be used to algorithmically verify its properties. We also show how both narrowing and folding can be used to symbolically model check systems which, in addition, have state predicates, and therefore correspond to Kripke structures on which ACT L * and LT L formulas can be algorithmically verified using such finite symbolic abstractions.