Recently, a unique collision between two large-scale magnetized plasmoids produced by coronal mass ejections in the heliosphere has been observed [C. Shen et al., Nature Physics 8, 923-928 (2012)]. Results suggest that the collision is super-elastic, i.e. the total linear kinetic energy of the two plasmoids after the collision is larger than before the collision, and that an anti-correlation exists, i.e. the lower the initial relative velocity of the plasmoids, the larger the relative increase in total kinetic energy.
The problemCoronal mass ejections (CMEs) give birth to large-scale plasmoids, originating from the solar atmosphere and expanding and propagating into the heliosphere [1] [2]. The occurrence rate of CMEs is about 4-5 CMEs per day at solar maximum [3], so that encounters and interactions between plasmoids are unavoidable. Nevertheless, inter-plasmoid collisions are far from understood. While collisions between blobs of ordinary gases are heavily affected by mixing, cross-field diffusion is effectively prohibited by sufficiently strong magnetic field.Experiments show that initially well-distinct plasmoids preserve their identity after a collision; historically, these experiments led to the very definition of 'plasmoid' as a 'plasma magnetic entity' with well-distinguished identity and geometrical structure [4]. In the lab, conventional magnetohydrodynamics fails to provide adequate macroscopic description of isolated plasmoids [5] -let alone their mutual interaction. In space, such description requires detailed knowledge of energy balance and state equation [2].Recent observation of a collision between plasmoids [1] suggests that such collisions may be superelastic, i.e. the total linear kinetic energy of the colliding plasmoids after the collision is larger than before the collision. A similar phenomenon is observed in collisions of spheres with elastoplastic plates, where rotational kinetic energy may be transferred into linear kinetic energy [6]. This analogy suggests that the linear kinetic energy in collisions between plasmoids may increase at the expense of the energy of some other degree of freedom, and magnetic energy is an obvious candidate. A preliminary investigation of energy balance supports this point of view; moreover, it has been suggested that the lower the impact velocity, the larger the relative increase of the linear kinetic energy [1]; in contrast, if the relative velocity of colliding plasmoids is too large, then no elastic scattering occurs [7], and the plasmoids may merge into each other.The aim of this work is to investigate this suggestion. We invoke the analogy [8] between plasmoids in the lab and space plasmoids and show how recent progress [5] [9] in the analytical description of the former provide information on the latter. In particular, we show that quantities usually invoked in Hall MHD [10] lead to a simple macroscopic description of interacting plasmoids. Some relevant properties of our plasmoids are discussed in Sec. 2. Secs. 3 and 4 discuss the structure...