ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACTArticle history:The aim of this study is to develop a technique for the accelerated life test of the capacitor in a propulsion control device of a traction inverter used for a high-speed train. Using this technique, the accelerated life test can possibly estimate the life cycle of a capacitor under various temperature conditions and irregularly applied voltage. The accelerated life test is conducted for the capacitor of the traction inverter. The common proceedings of this test are selection of failure mechanism, determination of accelerated stress, range determination of the accelerated stress, determination of the test condition, and distribution and determination of the sample. From this result, the continuous applied voltage was not considered for the acceleration factors anymore. Therefore, the final result having an acceleration factor of 9.4 (= 13,626/1,445) was observed. Furthermore, the life-shortening acceleration effect for the irregular applied voltage condition can be applied to various situations. . 그리고 커패시터의 경우에는 전량 수입에 의존하고 있 어 정확하게 수명을 예측하여 최적의 교체주기를 판단하는 것은 경제성 측면에서 매우 중요한 일이다. 일반적으로 철도 차량 부품의 가속수명시험에 대한 연구는 1962 년에 Chernoff에 의해 시작된 이래 Singpurwalla [4] , Nelson [5] , Miller-Nelson [6] , Bai [7] 등에 의해 단계적 스트레스의 축적에 따른 수명 예측 연구가 진행되었으며, Hobbs [8] 등은 복합 가속시험을