Multiple distinct glass states occur in binary hard-sphere mixtures with constituents of very disparate sizes according to the mode-coupling theory of the glass transition (MCT), distinguished by considering whether small particles remain mobile or not, and whether small particles contribute significantly to perturb the big-particle structure or not. In the idealized glass, the four different glasses are separated by sharp transitions that give rise to higher-order transition phenomena involving logarithmic decay laws, and to anomalous power-law-like diffusion. The phenomena are argued to be expected generally in glass-forming mixtures.
PACS numbers: pacs tbdMany glass formers and virtually all simple model systems for slow dynamics are mixtures of some sort. Close to a glass transition generic mixing effects appear, such as dramatic changes in viscosity induced by small composition changes [1,2], that are relevant for applications and may help to shed light on the microscopic processes driving glass formation.Even more interesting is the possibility to form qualitatively distinct types of glass, depending on mixture composition and constituents. Taking for example binary mixtures with sufficiently disparate constituents, a glass can form where some (slow) species freeze, but a fast component is able to diffuse through the voids left in the amorphous packing. This scenario is particularly relevant for transport through heterogeneous disordered media [3][4][5][6][7] or glassy ion conductors [8,9]. The simplest model are binary hard-sphere mixtures with large size disparity, where experiments on colloidal suspensions indeed found, depending on relative concentration, a partially frozen "single glass" with mobile small particles, separate from a "double glass" where both particle species freeze [10,11]. In mixtures of star polymers [12][13][14] yet another kind of glass emerged, termed "asymmetric" because it is characterized by few big particles frozen in a small-particle matrix, rendering the big-particle nearestneighbor cages highly nonspherical. It was, however, argued to be a hallmark of the ultra-soft interactions typical for the star polymers.Another kind of glass intuitively argued for is the "attractive glass" famous from colloid-polymer mixtures where free polymer induces depletion attraction among the colloids. If that attraction is weak, the glass that forms is essentially hard-sphere like or "repulsive", while at sufficiently strong and short-ranged attraction, a new glass driven by bonding and not nearest-neighbor cageing appears. Based on extensively tested predictions of the mode-coupling theory of the glass transition (MCT) for a square-well model system [15][16][17][18][19][20], one expects the two glasses to be separated by a glass-glass transition crossing which, for example, the elastic moduli of the glass exhibit sharp changes. Considering the generality of the depletion-interaction mechanism [21], one may indeed expect a similar glass-glass transition to be present in binary mixtures quite ge...