We explore a two-qubit system defined on valley isospins of two electrons confined in a gate-defined double quantum dot created within a MoS2 monolayer flake. We show how to initialize, control, interact and read out such valley qubits only by electrical means using voltages applied to the local planar gates, which are layered on the top of the flake. By demonstrating the two-qubit exchange or readout via the Pauli blockade, we prove that valley qubits in transition-metal-dichalcogenide semiconductors family fulfill the universality criteria and represent a scalable quantum computing platform. Our numerical experiments are based on the tight-binding model for a MoS2 monolayer, which gives single-electron eigenstates that are then used to construct a basis of Slater-determinants for the two-electron configuration space. We express screened electron-electron interactions in this basis by calculating the Coulomb matrix elements using localized Slater-type orbitals. Then we solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation and obtain an exact time-evolution of the two-electron system. During the evolution we simultaneously solve the Poison equation, finding the confinement potential controlled via voltages applied to the gates.