A general formalism is used to express the long-range potential energies in inverse powers of the separation distance between two like atomic or molecular systems with P symmetries. The long-range molecular interaction coefficients are calculated for the molecular symmetries ⌬, ⌸, and ⌺, arising from the following interactions: He͑2 1 P͒ -He͑2 1 P͒, He͑2 1 P͒ -He͑2 3 P͒, and He͑2 3 P͒ -He͑2 3 P͒. The electric quadrupolequadrupole term C 5 , the van der Waals ͑dispersion͒ term C 6 , and higher-order terms C 8 and C 10 are calculated ab initio using accurate variational wave functions in Hylleraas coordinates with finite nuclear mass effects. A comparison is made with previously published results where available.