We investigate operators L η u = ∇ · (a η ∇u) and solutions u η of L η u η = 0 to various boundary conditions. The coefficients a η are assumed to have a real part with changing sign and a small, non-negative imaginary part. We investigate a ring geometry with radii 1 and R in two space dimensions and use Fourier expansions in polar coordinates to analyze the qualitative behavior of solutions when boundary conditions on a small inclusion B ε (x 0 ) are imposed. Our result is that u η depends qualitatively on the position of the inclusion. If |x 0 | is larger than the cloaking radius R * := R 3/2 , then u η behaves as if no ring were present. If, instead, |x 0 | is smaller than R * , then the small inclusion is invisible in the limit η → 0.