A cluster of cycles (or (r, q)-polycycle) is a simple planar 2-connected finite or countable graph G of girth r and maximal vertex-degree q, which admits an (r, q)-polycyclic realization P (G) on the plane. An (r, q)-polycyclic realization is determined by the following properties: (i) all interior vertices are of degree q, (ii) all interior faces (denote their number by p r ) are combinatorial r-gons, (iii) all vertices, edges and interior faces form a cell-complex.An example of (r, q)-polycycle is the skeleton of (r q ), i.e. of the q-valent partition of the sphere, Euclidean plane or hyperbolic plane by regular r-gons. Call spheric pairs (r, q) = (3, 3), (4, 3), (3, 4), (5, 3), (3, 5). Only for those five pairs, P ((r q )) is (r q ) without exterior face; otherwise, P ((r q )) = (r q ).Here we give a compact survey of results on (r, q)-polycycles. We start with the following general results for any (r, q)-polycycle G: (i) P (G) is unique, except of (easy) case when G is the skeleton of one of 5 Platonic polyhedra; (ii) P (G) admits a cell-homomorphism f into (r q ); (iii) a polynomial criterion to decide if given finite graph is a polycycle, is presented.Call a polycycle proper if it is a partial subgraph of (r q ) and a helicene, otherwise. In [18] all proper spheric polycycles are given. An (r, q)-helicene exists if and only if p r > (q − 2)(r − 1) and (r, q) = (3, 3). We list the (4, 3)-, (3, 4)-helicenes and the number of (5, 3)-, (3, 5)-helicenes for first interesting p r . Any outerplanar (r, q)-polycycle G is a proper (r, 2q − 2)-polycycle and its projection f (P (G)) into (r 2q−2 ) is convex. Any outerplanar (3, q)-polycycle G is a proper (3, q + 2)-polycycle.