We discuss the rough surface effects on a two-dimensional chiral kx + iky superconductor. The atomic scale roughness at the surface is considered using the random S matrix model. The roughness effects on the self-consistent order parameter, the surface mass current and the surface density of states are studied using the quasi-classical theory. We find that the surface mass current is suppressed by the surface roughness. The surface density of states shows a quite similar behavior to that of superfluid 3 He B phase. When the surface is specular, the surface Andreev bound states form a band which fills the bulk energy gap ∆ bulk . When the surface becomes diffusive, there occurs a sharp upper edge of the surface bound states band and there opens a sub-gap between the edge and the bulk energy gap. We show that this sub-gap is induced by the repulsion between the surface bound states and the propagating Bogoliubov quasi-particles through the second order process of roughness.KEYWORDS: 2-D Chiral Superconductor, Edge States, Surface Demsity of States, Superfluid 3 He-BThe 2-dimensional chiral k x + ik y state is known as a model system for Sr 2 RuO 4 superconducting state.
1)When there is a surface along the y axis, there occur gapless surface Andreev bound states as in other p-waveand d-wave 4) pairing systems, because the k x component of the order parameter changes its sign under the surface reflection. The surface bound states in chiral system are known to carry spontaneous mass flow along the surface.5, 6) Recently, surface bound states are recognized as edge states which reflect the topological nature of the bulk pairing state. A lot of attention has been paid to the surface Andreev bound states from this aspect.
6-15)In this paper, we consider the effects of atomic scale surface roughness on the chiral k x + ik y state. We use the quasi-classical theory 16,17) developed for the study of pwave Fermi superfluids. We calculate the self-consistent order parameter, the surface mass current and the surface density of states. The surface density of states shows quite a similar behavior to that in the 3-dimensional BW state.17) Existence of the order parameter component parallel to the surface disperses the surface bound state energy. The bound states, therefore, form a band below the bulk energy gap ∆ bulk . When the surface is specular, the band completely fills the bulk energy gap. When the surface becomes diffusive, however, there occurs a sharp upper edge of the band and there opens a sub-gap between the edge and the bulk energy gap. The band edge energy ∆ * increases as the roughness is reduced. Similar sub-gap has been known in the BW state.
17-19)The sub-gap was first reported by Zhang 18) who treated the surface roughness using the thin dirty layer model. He suggested that the sub-gap is due to the suppression of the parallel component of the order parameter by the roughness. However, Nagato et al. 17) found that this sub-gap also occurs when the order parameter is assumed to be spatially constant. Although t...