The pressure-driven transport of individual DNA molecules in 175-nm to 3.8-m high silica channels was studied by fluorescence microscopy. Two distinct transport regimes were observed. The pressure-driven mobility of DNA increased with molecular length in channels higher than a few times the molecular radius of gyration, whereas DNA mobility was practically independent of molecular length in thin channels. In addition, both the Taylor dispersion and the self-diffusion of DNA molecules decreased significantly in confined channels in accordance with scaling relationships. These transport properties, which reflect the statistical nature of DNA polymer coils, may be of interest in the development of ''lab-on-a-chip'' technologies. nanofluidics T ransport of DNA and proteins within microf luidic and nanof luidic channels is of central importance to ''lab-ona-chip'' bioanalysis technology. As the size of f luidic devices shrinks, a new regime is encountered where critical device dimensions approach the molecular scale. The properties of polymers like DNA often depart significantly from bulk behavior in such systems because statistical properties or finite molecular size effects can dominate there. DNA confinement effects have been exploited in novel diagnostic applications such as artificial gels (1), entropic trap arrays (2), and solidstate nanopores (3, 4). These advances underline the importance of exploring the fundamental behavior of f lexible polymers in f luid f lows and channels (5-10) that underlie current and future f luidic technologies.Most transport in microfluidic and nanofluidic separation applications is currently driven by electrokinetic mechanisms that result in a uniform velocity profile and low dispersion (11,12). An applied pressure gradient, in contrast, generates a parabolic fluid velocity profile that is maximal in the channel center and zero at the walls. Many important aspects of pressuredriven flows as a transport mechanism remain unexplored despite their ease of implementation and their ubiquity in conventional chemical analysis techniques such as high-pressure liquid chromatography. Our understanding of an object's fundamental transport properties in parabolic flows, mobility and dispersion, is at present based mainly on models for rigid particles (13, 14) that explain several important effects such as the following: (i) hydrodynamic chromatography, the tendency of large particles to move faster than small particles because large particles are more strongly confined to the center of a channel, where the flow speeds are highest, and (ii) Taylor dispersion (15), the mechanism by which analyte molecules are hydrodynamically dispersed as they explore different velocity streamlines by diffusion, an effect that has discouraged the use of pressure-driven flows in microfluidic separation technology. The applicability of rigid-particle models as useful approximations to the transport of flexible polymers is dubious in the regime where the channel size is comparable with the characteristic molecular ...