EPR Linewidth in Pbl,Mn,Te S. Z . KORCZAK, W. KORCEAK, M. SUBOTOWICZ, and H. WASIEWICZ~) E P R in semimagnetic semiconductors Pbl-,Mn5Te with x 5 0.017 is studied over the temperature range 3.5 to 300K. The variations of linewidth with f i h content and temperature are analyzed. The analysis of the experimental results is based on the assumption of the presence in the system of both a Korringa-type relaxation and a bottleneck effect. An approximate value of t h e exchange constant between localized magnetic ions and carriers, J = (0.08 f 0.03) eV, is deduced.Nous avons btudib le RPE sur des semiconducteurs semimagnetiques Pbl-,Mn,Te avec x (= 0,017 dans un intervalle de tempirature de 3,5 B 300 K. La variation des largeurs de raie avec la concentration en &In et la temperature a 6th analysee. L'analyse des rbsultats experimentaux est bashe sur une supposition de la prbsence de la relaxation de Korringa ainsi que de I'effet "botleneck" dans le syst8me. La valeur approximhe de la constante d'echange entre des ions magn6-tiques localis& et des porteurs du courant J = (0,08 f 0,03) eV a btb calculie. It is known that an E P R linewidth in conducting materials is governed by the interaction between the localized magnetic moments of paramagnetic ions and the conduction electrons, and by the different kind of interaction between the localized magnetic moments themselves. The E P R investigation at different paramagnetic ions and carrier concentrations could be a useful tool for the study of these interactions. It is the purpose of the present paper to report more detailed data on the E P R linewidth in Pbl-,Mn,Te. The data will be analysed to estimate the exchange constant between the conduction electron spins and those of the magnetic impurity. l ) PI. M.