We report on a construction for smectic blue phases, which have quasi-long range smectic translational order as well as long range cubic or hexagonal order. Our proposed structures fill space with a combination of minimal surface patches and cylindrical tubes. We find that for the right range of material parameters, the favorable saddle-splay energy of these structures can stabilize them against uniform layered structures.PACS numbers: 61.30. Mp, 61.30.Jf, Liquid crystalline blue phases exhibit true threedimensional, periodic orientational order. Two of these phases possess cubic symmetry (BP 1 and BP 2) while the third (BP 3) is thought to be an isotropic melt of double-twist cylinders [1,2]. Recently, new phases of matter have been identified that possess the quasi-long range translational order of smectics [3] and, at the same time, three-dimensional orientational order. These three distinct smectic blue phases have been observed near the isotropic transition of these compounds: BP sm 1 has cubic symmetry, while BP sm 2 and BP sm 3 have hexagonal symmetry. The precise physical properties of these materials have been the study of intense investigation in recent years [4,5,6]. However, there is no obvious way to incorporate smectic ordering into the traditional double-twist tube blue phase ordering put forward by Sethna et al. [7] for nematic blue phases. In general, since smectic ordering is incompatible with cubic symmetry, it is expected that any blue phase structure must include smectic defects as well as orientational defects. Though a model for double-twist cylinders with smectic order has been proposed [8], the simplest variant of that model is incompatible with experimental details [5]. In this letter, we propose a new scheme for constructing a smectic blue phase that fills space with continuous concentric layers with cubic symmetry. For this construction there are elastic energy costs arising from non-uniform layer spacing and layer bending as well as condensation energy costs arising from melted regions. However, we show that when the saddle-splay constant, K 24 , is negative enough, these energy costs can be compensated by the gain in Gaussian curvature energy in the surfaces.The key ingredient in our construction is the observation that saddle-splay and the Gaussian curvature are identical [9] for layered systems with uniform spacing. The saddle splay energy of a director field N is [7]