The effects of thermal elastic fluctuations in rubber materials are examined. It is shown that, due to an interplay with the incompressibility constraint, these fluctuations qualitatively modify the large-deformation stress-strain relation, compared to that of classical rubber elasticity. To leading order, this mechanism provides a simple and generic explanation for the peak structure of MooneyRivlin stress-strain relation, and shows a good agreement with experiments. It also leads to the prediction of a phonon correlation function that depends on the external deformation. The term rubber (elastomer) refers to amorphous, essentially incompressible, solids that consist of a crosslinked polymer network and that can sustain large, reversible, shear deformations. It has long been understood that the elasticity of rubber is predominantly entropic, being associated with the suppression of the entropy of the polymer network by the imposed deformation. As a result rubber elasticity is characterized by a shear modulus that is proportional to temperature.The classical theory of rubber elasticity [1, 2], developed by Kuhn, Wall, Flory, Treloar, and many others, around the 1940's, qualitatively accounts for the entropic nature of rubber elasticity. It is based on the crucial assumption that the junctions of polymer networks do not fluctuate in space, but nevertheless deform affinely with an imposed uniform shear strain. The entropy of the entire rubber network is then given by the sum of the entropies of each polymer chain. For a uniform shear, i.e., for a homogeneous, volume-preserving deformation Λ, the elastic free-energy density f is given bywhere T is the temperature, δS is the total entropy change due to Λ, V is the volume, and µ 0 ≈ k B T /ξ d is the entropic shear modulus in d dimensions, with ξ being the typical mesh size of the polymer network. For a uniaxial shear deformation alongẑ,and the classical theory predictsIt has long been known that the classical theory does not work well for large deformations [1]. Its failure becomes most salient in the so-called Mooney-Rivlin plot of the stress-strain relation, in which (df /dλ)/(λ − λ −2 )