Abstract. We propose a Statistical-Mechanics inspired framework for modeling economic systems. Each agent composing the economic system is characterized by a few variables of distinct nature (e.g. saving ratio, expectations, etc.). The agents interact locally by their individual variables: for example, people working in the same office may influence their peers' expectations (optimism/pessimism are contagious) , while people living in the same neighborhood may influence their peers' saving patterns (stinginess/largeness are contagious). Thus, for each type of variable there exists a different underlying social network, which we refer to as a "layer". Each layer connects the same set of agents by a different set of links defining a different topology. In different layers, the nature of the variables and their dynamics may be different (Ising, Heisenberg, matrix models, etc). The different variables belonging to the same agent interact (the level of optimism of an agent may influence its saving level), thus coupling the various layers. We present a simple instance of such a network, where a one-dimensional Ising chain (representing the interaction between the optimist-pessimist expectations) is coupled through a random site-to-site mapping to a one-dimensional generalized BlumeCapel chain (representing the dynamics of the agents' saving ratios). In the absence of coupling between the layers, the one-dimensional systems describing respectively the expectations and the saving ratios do not feature any ordered phase (herding). Yet, such a herding phase emerges in the coupled system, highlighting the non-trivial nature of the present framework.⋆ Corresponding Author. Email: etom@pob.huji.ac.il.Tom thanks "SARA Computing and Networking Services" for generously providing machine time for the simulations. ⋆⋆ M.H. gratefully acknowledges financial support from DFG grant TR120/12-1.