Results from a quasioptical gyrotron experiment with a 20-28-cm mirror separation are presented showing operation from 95 to 130 GHz at powers up to 148 kW and output efficiencies up to 12%. The output coupling could be varied from 0.4% to 3% by changing the mirror separation and operating frequency. Efficiency optimization by variation of output coupling and by tapering the magnetic field has been demonstrated and regions of single-mode operation at powers up to 125 kW have been characterized.PACS numbers: 42.52,+x There is currently a need for megawatt average power sources of 100-300 GHz radiation for electron cyclotron heating of fusion plasmas. The leading candidate for such a source, the waveguide-cavity gyrotron, 1 has produced output powers of 765 kW and efficiencies of 30% at 148 GHz in a cw-relevant configuration. 2 However, this gyrotron configuration is limited at high frequencies by high Ohmic heating and problems with transversemode competition, due to the highly overmoded configuration, and with beam collection, since the beam must be collected along a section of the output waveguide. The quasioptical gyrotron (QOG), first proposed by Sprangle, Vomvoridis, and Manheimer, 3 features an open resonator formed by a pair of spherical mirrors instead of a waveguide cavity and has the potential for overcoming each of these limitations. The resonator mirrors can be well removed from the beam-wave interaction region, allowing a large volume for the interaction and low Ohmic heating densities at the mirrors. The beam direction is transverse to the cavity so that beam collection is separate from the output waveguide. The QOG operates in the lowest-order transverse (TEMoo/) Gaussian mode of the resonator, higher-order transverse modes being effectively suppressed by higher diffraction losses. Output coupling is via diffraction around the mirrors and can be controlled independently of other interaction parameters. The axial mode separation is small compared to the interaction bandwidth in cwrelevant configurations so that multimode effects are important. The theory of multimode operation was developed by Bondeson, Manheimer, and Ott. 4 The first QOG experiment was carried out by Hargreaves et al. 5 and used a resonator with a 4-cm mirror separation. Consistent with the relatively low axial mode density of this resonator, single-mode operation was observed at powers up to 80 kW at a frequency of 110 GHz and an efficiency of 11%.This Letter presents results from a thorough and extensive experimental study of the first QOG to operate at powers over 100 kW using a cw-relevant resonator. The ability to vary the separation of the resonator mirrors from 20 to 28 cm allowed the resonator output coupling to be optimized with respect to the electron beam power.The QOG was tunable from 95 to 130 GHz and operated at powers up to 148 kW and output efficiencies up to 12%. The peak electronic efficiency is estimated to be 18% and is believed to be limited by the relatively low velocity pitch ratio, a =v ±/v\\, of the electron...