When two fully polarized ferromagnetic (F) wires with opposite polarizations make contact with a spin-singlet superconductor, a potential-induced current in wire 1 induces a non-local current of equal magnitude and sign in wire 2. The magnitude of this current has been studied in the tunneling limit and found to decay exponentially with the distance between the contact. In this paper we propose a new structure in which this novel non-local effect is increased by orders of magnitude. We study the spin-dependent electronic transport of a diffusive nanojunction and demonstrate that when a normal diffusive region is placed between the F leads and superconductor, the non-local initially increases with the separation between the F leads, achieving a maximum and decays as a power law with increasing separation.Experimental studies of electronic transport properties of nanostructures containing both ferromagnets (F) and superconductors (S) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 . reveal novel features, not present in normal-metal/superconductor (N/S) junctions, due to the suppression of electron-hole correlations in the ferromagnet. When spin-flip processes are absent, further effects are predicted, including the suppression of the conventional giant magnetoresistance ratio in diffusive magnetic multilayers 12 and the appearance of non-local currents when two fully polarized ferromagnetic (F) wires with opposite polarizations make contact with a spin-singlet superconductor 13,14 . The latter effect has been highlighted, because of interest in the possibility of generating entangled pairs of electrons at a superconductor (S) interface 15,16,17 . A recent study of such a junction in the tunneling limit predicts that the magnitude of the non-local current will decrease exponentially with the distance between the F contacts. It is therefore of interest to ask how the magnitude of this novel effect can be enhanced.In this paper we propose a hybrid nanostructure in which the non-local current is enhanced by orders of magnitude compared with the geometry of ref.13 . The proposed structure is sketched in figure 1 and comprises two clean F wires, each of width M f , separated by a distance M , in contact with a diffusive, normal metallic region of area A = L.(2M f + M ), which in turn makes contact with a spin-singlet superconductor.In the linear response limit, the current-voltage relation of a such a hybrid structure connected by non-superconducting wires to normal reservoirs was first presented in ref 18 . If I 1 , I 2 are the currents leaving reservoirs 1 and 2, and v 1 , v 2 1 their respective voltages, then at zero temperatureandwhere v is the condensate potential. In this expression R 0 is the coefficient for an electron from reservoir 1 to be reflected as an electron back into reservoir 1, while T 0 is the coefficient for an electron from reservoir 1 to be transmitted as an electron into reservoir 2. R a is the coefficient for an electron from reservoir 1 to be Andreev reflected as a hole into wire 1 and T a is the coefficient for an e...