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A B S T RA C T iMmmum 200 words)The final report summarizes in its first n^r-t-t-v,~ achievers. They are doc um e" ed " the li teS . for the TE modes.'For the case of a plasma fill, when B 0 -»x, (22) becomes:^:E,-(k : -kj)(l-( ü ;/(ü ! )E I =jca.u 0 J l -^p while when B 0 -►(). we have:v:E 2 + k : (l-u"/co : )-k;]E 2 = jcü^uJ I
Jk :E"(l-(üJ /ü) : ) TP
B. Interaction equations expressed in terms of the transverse fields:The beam-wave interaction equations (22) and ( ar.d:V^Hj^ +(k 2 e 3 -k^JH^ = -jk ; o)C 0 E : E i + k 2 uE 0 (e 3 -c,)e 2 x E_ -(v x j|Then E and H z can be written as:E. =-■ (OE 0 E 3 (VxH^-e.-J,
Hj= -L(vxEj.e 7(39)
SummarySince January of 1998 four progress reports have been submitted, and are enclosed in this final report: Progress Report I Jan. 1998 -July. 1998; Progress Report II July. 1998 -Dec. 1998 Progress Report III Jan. 1999 -Jun. 1999. Progress Report IV Aug. 1999 -Jan. 2000.The Final Report summarizes in its first part the most recent scientific achievements. They are documented in the listed and enclosed copies of publications and drafts of papers. In the second part the recent academic activities are reported, and the third part gives an outlook of planned activities based on the work supported by this grant.I. Publications
Prof. Kristiansen of Texas Technical University was invited to visitUESTC and to present several lectures.3. Mr. Bookbander, the officer in charge of literature and education at the United States General Consulate in Chengdu, was invited to visit UESTC and present a lecture. His lecture was very well received and was excellent for the students, both undergraduate and graduate students.
III. Preparatory Work on the 25 th Intern. Conference on IRMMWto be held in Beijing, China, Sept. 12-16, 2000. This International Conference will be held jointly with the 2nd Pacific-Asian Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Waves. Prof. Liu is the Conference Chairman for these two conferences. He is in the process of: A. trying to obtain the sponsorship by IEEE. The 2 nd Pacific-Asian Conference is sponsored by IEEE, but the 25 th conference not. B. organizing the committees for both conferences; C. organizing the Plenary Talks and Invited Talks for both conferences; D. preparing the final call for papers for both conferences.
IV. Proposed Research Work for the Period from January 2000 to December 20011. Almost all the material published in Russian in the Plasma Microwave Electronics area has been collected. This material is very valuable, since it provides information on what has been done and how it has been done in Russia. From this literature it can be concluded that the work carried on by Prof. Liu and coworkers on the "Electron Beam-Wave Interactions in Magnetized Plasma Waveguide" is very i...