Out of 34 caprine dermatological cases examined, 12 were detected positive for Chorioptes
texanus. Pruritus, alopecia, crusts, thickening, wrinkling, cracks and fissures on legs, axillae,
inguinal region and perineal region were the symptoms noticed in caprine chorioptic mange. In
affected animals, reduction in haemoglobin concentration and per cent lymphocytes were noticed,
along with elevation in the values of the total leukocyte count, per cent neutrophils and per cent
monocytes. Values of serum glucose, zinc and copper were normal. All the 12 cases were treated
with ivermectin at 10 days interval till two consecutive skin scrapings were negative for mites. In
addition, all goats were treated with vitamin A supplements throughout the period. Six goats
were treated topically with permethrin spray while other six animals were treated topically with lime
sulphur spray. Both treatment protocols caused recovery of the animals from clinical symptoms,
however, a skin scraping after 1 year revealed the presence of mites.