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AbstractPurpose: This study investigated whether a group of people with severe aphasia could learn a vocabulary of pantomime gestures through therapy, and compared their learning of gestures with their learning of words. It also examined whether gesture therapy cued word production and whether naming therapy cued gestures.Method: Fourteen people with severe aphasia received 15 hours of gesture and naming treatment. Evaluations comprised repeated measures of gesture and word production, comparing treated and untreated items.Results: Baseline measures were stable, but improved significantly following therapy. Across the group, improvements in naming were greater than improvements in gesture. This trend was evident in most individuals' results, although three made better progress in gesture. Gains were item specific and there was no evidence of cross modality cuing. Items that received gesture therapy did not improve in naming, and items that received naming therapy did not improve in gesture.
Conclusions:Results show that people with severe aphasia can respond to gesture and naming therapy. Given the unequal gains, naming may be a more productive therapy target than gesture for many (although not all) individuals with severe aphasia.The communicative benefits of therapy were not examined, but are addressed in a follow up paper.3