SUMMARYThe chromosome model showing system operation pattern is applied to GA (genetic algorithm), and the method of optimization operation planning of energy system is developed. The optimization method of this operation planning was applied to the compound system of methanol-steam-reforming-type fuel cell, geothermal heat pump and the electrolysis tank of water. The operation planning was performed for the energy system using the energy demand pattern of the individual residence of Sapporo city. From analysis results, the amount of outputs of a solar module and the relation of the operation cost of the system, which are changed by the weather were clarified. The representation day in February of the ratio of the operation cost in case of (0% of output rates) the rainy weather to the time of fine weather (100% of output rates) is 1.12. And the representation day in July is 1.71. Furthermore, the optimal capacity of accumulation of electricity and thermal storage was estimated, and they are 308 and 23 MJ, respectively.