A thermal computer model of the 30-cm NASA solar electric propulsion technology application readiness (NSTAR) xenon ion thruster has been produced using a lumped-parameter thermal nodal-network scheme. This model contains 104 nodes on the thruster and was implemented using SINDA and TRASYS on various UNIX workstations. The model includes the radiation and conduction heat transfer, the effect of plasma interaction on the thruster, and an account for nely perforated surfaces. The model was developed in conjunction with an NSTAR thruster out tted with approximately 20 thermocouples for thermal testing at the John H. Glenn Research Center. The results of these experiments were used to calibrate and con rm the computer model rst without and then with the plasma interaction. The calibrated model was able to predict discharge chamber temperatures to within 10 ± C of measured temperatures. To demonstrate the ability of the model under various circumstances, the heat ux was examined for a thruster operating in a deep-space environment.
NomenclatureA I = area of I th element, m 2 A J = area of J th element, m 2 C i = thermal capacitance at node i , cal/g¢ K F i j = form (view) factor G j i = linear conductor attaching node j to node i , W/K H j i = radiation conductor attaching node j to node i , W/K 4 J A = ion current hitting grid, A J B = ion beam current, A N = number of nodes Q i = heat source or sink for node i , W r i j = distance between the i th and j th element, m T k + 1 i = temperature of node i for the k + 1 iteration, K T n + 1 i = temperature of node i at time t + D t , K T k j = temperature of node j for the kth iteration, K T n j = temperature of node j at time t, K U + = ionization energy, eV V P = discharge chamber plasma potential with respect to ambient space plasma potential, V h i = angle between normal of i th element and the line connecting the i th and j th element, rad h j = angle between normal of j th element and the line connecting the i th and j th element, rad U N = neutralizer power, W U sh = self-heating power deposited in the discharge chamber in the form of heat, W U T = total thruster power, W