We have made ac complex resistivity measurements from 100 Hz to 5 MHz in the linear regime, as well as dc resistivity measurements, for a thick indium film in constant magnetic fields B. At Bϭ0.1 T, the vortexglass transition temperature T g can be defined from the frequency-independent phase of the ac resistivity, which is in good accordance with the value determined independently from dc measurements. Critical exponents ͑ϳ1.4, zϳ8͒ extracted from both dc and ac measurements are consistent. In addition to the vortexcorrelation length g (T), the vortex-relaxation time g (T) is directly obtained from the frequency dependence of the ac resistivity. Within a limited critical regime (͉TϪT g ͉ϳ0.1 K) about the phase transition, the amplitude and phase of the ac resistivity as well as the dc resistivity follow the universal scaling functions, which resemble those found in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 . In Bϭ1 T, we have observed the similar scaling behavior for the dc resistivity to that in Bϭ0.1 T, whereas degradation of the scaled isotherms is visible for the ac resistivity. Although this problem still awaits further studies, all of these findings offer strong experimental evidence for the second-order transition in indium films.