Multipolar Kondo systems offer unprecedented opportunities to design astonishing quantum phases and functionalities beyond spin-only descriptions. A model material platform of this kind is the cubic heavy fermion system PrT2Al20 (T=Ti, V), which hosts a nonmagnetic crystal-electric-field ground state and substantial Kondo entanglement of the local quadrupolar and octopolar moments with the conduction electron sea. Here, we explore the magnetoresistance (MR) and Hall effect of PrTi2Al20, which develops ferroquadrupolar (FQ) order below TQ∼2 K, and compare their behavior with that of the MR and Hall effect of the non-4f analog, LaTi2Al20. In the FQ ordered phase, PrTi2Al20 displays extremely large magnetoresistance (XMR) of ∼103%. The unsaturated, quasilinear field (B) dependence of the XMR violates Kohler's scaling and defies description based on carrier compensation alone. By comparing the MR and the Hall effect observed in PrTi2Al20 and LaTi2Al20, we conclude that the open-orbit topology on the electron-type Fermi surface sheet is key for the observed XMR. The low-temperature MR and the Hall resistivity in PrTi2Al20 display pronounced anisotropy in the [111] and [001] magnetic fields, which is absent in LaTi2Al20, suggesting that the transport anisotropy ties in with the anisotropic magnetic field response of the quadrupolar order parameter.
Published by the American Physical Society