We have studied the temperature dependence of the viscosity of some polymeric materials by using both, the bond strength-coordination number fluctuation model and the random walk model. The results reveal that both models show an excellent agreement with the experimental data. For the random walk model, two equations corresponding to two temperature regimes (low-T and high-T) separated by the critical temperature c T , which is difficult to determine, are needed to describe the temperature dependence of the viscosity of a fragile system, whereas for the bond strength-coordination number fluctuation model, a single equation with clear physical meaning describes the temperature dependence of the viscosity of both, the fragile and strong systems. We have also studied the relationship between the normalized temperature range of cooperativity and the fragility index. A theoretical expression for the relationship has been derived based on the bond strength-coordination number fluctuation model. The comparison with the experimental data shows a good agreement, leading to the conclusion that the kinetic properties of glass forming liquids and the cooperativity of molecular relaxations are correlated.