Development and deployment of micro-reactors that provide competitive efficiency, prevailing compactness, and inherent safety is an immediate focus of the U.S. nuclear industry. For thermal neutron micro-reactors operating at elevated temperature for optimized efficiency, such as micro molten-salt reactors (MSRs), heat-pipe reactors, and very-high temperature reactors (VHTRs), highperformance moderator based on metal hydride can enhance the neutron economy and therefore achieve reduced weight and enhanced portability. As unclad metal hydride inevitably decomposes at elevated temperature, an enclosure is required for hydride moderator to deliver desired performance at elevated temperatures. Conventional moderator enclosure solutions based on high-temperature alloys introduce extraneous neutron penalty into the micro-reactor, affecting the neutronic benefits provided by the hydride moderator. Additionally, the compatibility between the high-temperature alloy enclosure and the micro-reactor matrix is also a potential issue.