We report a heat switch effect in single crystals of an antiferromagnet Co 3 V 2 O 8 , that is, the thermal conductivity (κ) can be changed with magnetic field in an extremely large scale. Due to successive magnetic phase transitions at 12-6 K, the zero-field κ(T ) displays a deep minimum at 6.7 K and rather small magnitude at low temperatures. Both the temperature and field dependencies of κ demonstrate that the phonons are strongly scattered at the regime of magnetic phase transitions. Magnetic field can suppress magnetic scattering effect and significantly recover the phonon thermal conductivity. In particular, a 14 T field along the a axis increases the κ at 7.5 K up to 100 times. For H c, the magnitude of κ can be suppressed down to ∼ 8% at some field-induced transition and can be enhanced up to 20 times at 14 T. The present results demonstrate that it is possible to design a kind of heat switch in the family of magnetic materials. Heat switches are devices that switch as needed between roles of good thermal conductors and good thermal insulators. They have wide and important applications in not only the cryogenics but also the deep space detectors, space coolers and spacecrafts. 1-4 A famous heat switch used in cryogenic cryostat is made by metal superconductors, whose electronic thermal conductivity can be switched on by applying magnetic field to suppress the superconductivity. 1 This kind of heat switch works only at very low temperatures (well below the superconducting transition temperatures or at subKelvin temperatures). Since the phonon thermal conductivity at such low temperatures are negligibly small, the total thermal conductivity can be changed by several orders of magnitude with magnetic field, a nearly ideal thermal insulator to good thermal conductor transition. At not very low temperatures, the thermal conductivity (κ) of any materials usually cannot be significantly changed by control parameter, 5,6 since there is always sizeable phonon thermal conductivity which is not easily changed much. However, past decades studies on the heat transport of magnetic materials have revealed that the phonon thermal conductivity can be remarkably changed by magnetic field in the case there is strong scattering between phonons and magnetic excitations. 7-12 In partica) Electronic mail: lxgrz@ustc.edu.cn b) Electronic mail: xfsun@ustc.edu.cn ular, a large magnetic-field-induced increase of κ can be observed in rare-earth manganites and titanates. 10,11 In this Letter, we report exceptionally large magnetothermal conductivity in an antiferromagnetic insulator, Co 3 V 2 O 8 . As large as 100 times increase of κ in magnetic field was found at temperature of several kelvins. The result provides a possible route to find heat switch devices that can work at not very low temperatures.Co 3 V 2 O 8 has a crystal lattice with space group Cmca. 2,3 The edge sharing CoO 6 octahedra form a staircase kagomé structure and the kagomé staircase lattices are separated by the nonmagnetic VO 4 tetrahedra (see Fig. S1 of the Sup...