The present paper illustrates an innovative low cost solution for the monitoring of indoor thermal comfort by means of Predictive Mean Vote (PMV ) index for multiple positions. This is particularly interesting in an Ambient Assisted Living environment as replacement of typical thermostat used for the climate control. In fact, the system proposed considers also personal parameters, as metabolic rate (M) and clothing level (I cl ), instead of the merely environmental parameters. If this is important for normal living conditions, it becomes crucial in case of elderly people and long-term care patients where a reduction of M or I cl causes a high sensitivity to thermal conditions (especially for cold sensation), or where the disability does not allow the subject re-action (e.g. shading opening/closing when solar radiation occurs). The device proposed uses a set of low-cost non-contact sensors to determine, based on algorithms provided by ISO 7726 and 7730, Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT ) and PMV, which are provided as output of the device through wireless or wired connection. The capability of predicting thermal comfort conditions for multiple positions of the occupant in the room has been tested and validated in a real case study: it resulted in a discrepancy of ±0.5 • C in the MRT measurement and ±0.1 for the PMV with respect to a reference measurement system (microclimate station). The sensitivity to the metabolic rate and clothing level for AAL applications is also discussed together with a procedure for an estimation of these parameters. The accuracy achieved allows a better measurement of the real thermal sensation for a more comfortable environment with lower energy consumption.