This paper gives a 2D hamonic lattices model with missing bond defects, when the capacity ratio of defects is enough large, the temperature gradient can be formed and the finite heat conduction is found in the model. The defects in the 2D harmonic lattices impede the energy carriers free propagation, by another words, the mean free paths of the energy carrier are relatively short. The microscopic dynamics leads to the finite conduction in the model. The study of heat conduction in models of insulating solids is a rather old and debated problem, and the more general problem is one of understanding the nonequilibrium energy current carrying state of a many body system. The most of the work on heat conduction investigated the process of heat transport in 1D lattices. The different models have been studied for obtaining Fourier's law, several kinds of factors have been taken into account in the models, such as the nonlinearity, on-site potentials, mass disorder and etc. Then the typical 1D lattices Hamiltonian iswhere m i represents the mass of the i th particle, V is the potential energy of internal forces, and U is an on-site potential. Based on these studies, several sufficient or necessary conditions of the normal thermal conductivity in a 1D lattices are suggested, such as "nonintegrability is not sufficient to guarantee the normal thermal conductivity in a 1D lattices", "in the Fourier law the phonon-lattice interaction is the key factor in 1D on-site potential or mass disorder lattice", and recently Ref [3] proved rigorously that the conductivity as given by the Green-Kubo formula always diverges in one dimensional momentum conserving systems, Ref [4] and Ref [5] give 1D models where momentum is conserved and yet the conductivity is finite. Several models have been studied on 2D lattices heat conduction, for instant, in Ref [6] a 2D Lorenctz gas, which describes a gas of non-interacting point particles moving in a box, is presented, in Ref [7] numerical simulations are performed for the 2D Toda-lattice. And the divergence of the heat conductivity in the thermodynamic limit is investigated in 2D lattices models of anharmonic solids with nearest-neighbor interaction from single-well potentials by A.Lippi and R.Livi [8].Since, investigating the property of thermal conductivity is in order to understand that the macroscopic phenomena and their statistical properties are in terms of deterministic microscopic dynamics. We can rough classify the 1D lattices model in to two categories. The first category includes homogeneous hamonic chains [15], Toda lattices [2](in the models no temperature gradient can be formed), FPU lattices [1] (the thermal conductivity k ∼ N α is divergent as one goes to the thermodynamic limit N->unlimit, and α is different in Toda lattices and FPU lattices) and etc. The character of these models is that the freely propagating energy carriers (particles, phonons or excitations) exists, then the finite heat conduction do not exist in these models. The second category includes other models, in...