Cadmium oxide nanostructures were prepared by microwave assisted wet chemical technique at dierent time intervals. Results on structural, optical, and thermal properties of the CdO nanostructures as a function of the microwave irradiation were reported. The X-ray diraction data indicates that the sample showed perfection in the microstructural improvement as a function of microwave irradiation. Surface morphological changes with dierent time of microwave irradiation were recorded by transmission electron microscope and the particle size were found in the ranges from 5 to 30 nm. Chemical composition and thermal stability of the samples were analyzed by energy dispersive X-ray spectrum and thermogravimetric analysis, respectively. The band gaps were shifted towards the blue region due to the MossBurstein eect and it exhibited direct band transitions, which corresponds to optical band gaps of 3.924.20 eV and contrast behavior of optical properties of CdO nanostructure in UV and IR regions were registered. Room temperature photoluminescence spectra revealed that the intensity of luminescent emission tends to decrease with the increase in exposure of microwave irradiation.