CLAUDIO AIROLDI, AECIO P. CHAGAS, and FRANCISCO P. A s s u~q i o .Can. J. Chem. 60,2132Chem. 60, (1982. The adducts Zn(mu),X, (X = CI, Br), M(mu)X, (M = Cd, Hg and X = CI, Br) have been characterized. The CO and NH stretching frequencies indicate that methylurea (mu) is bound to metals through oxygen. Enthalpies of dissolution of the adducts in ethanol or methanol have been measured calorimetrically. Combination with the enthalpies of solution of metal halides and ligand in the same solvents at 298.15 K yielded the standard enthalpy (AH,e/kJ mol-I) for the reaction: MX,(s) + nmu(s) -t M(mu),,X, (s):Zn(mu),Cl,, (-36.27k0.51); Zn(mu),Br,, (-37.52k0.97); Cd(mu)CI,, (-22.78k0.26); Cd(mu)Br,, (-9.58k0.26); Hg(mu)Cl,, (-13.91k 0.41); and Hg(mu)Br,, (-13.29k0.48). The standard enthalpies of formation of theadducts in the same sequence as above, AH,e (s, 298.15 K): -1024, -938, -70 1, -612, -524, and -470 kJ mol-', were determined from these values, the standard enthalpy of the ligand (-285k 15 kJ mol-I) being obtained via combustion calorimetry, and literature values of the standard enthalpies of metal halides being used. With the determination of the standard enthalpy of sublimation of the ligand (78.2 kJ mol-I) it was possible to determine the standard enthalpies of the reactions MX,(g)The enthalpies of metal-oxygen bonds were also estimated.
Introductioninfrared studies methylurea has a nearly planar Our interest in the thermochemistry of adducts configuration of the N-C(ObN moiety with the of halides of the zinc family with urea derivatives as C-N bonds possessing appreciable double bond ligand is now focused on methylurea (mu). The character and a tendency to form hydrogen bonds determinations of crystallographic parameters for (4). It can act as a ligand utilizing either nitrogen or Cd(mu),,X, (X = C1, Br, I and n = 1, 2) and Oxygen as the d~n o r atomZn(rnu),Br, were the pioneer studies involvingFrom the results on thermal decomposition of methylurea as a ligand (1,2). Moreover, a complete CdLC1, (L = urea, and N,N'-di-X-ray diffraction pattern for Cd(mu)Cl, illustrates methylurea) adducts by therm~~ravimetric analyan interesting structure (3) where the metal is sis in air and vacuum, the following order of octahedrally coordinated, with the participation of stability was established: urea > methylurea > methylurea as a monodentate ligand. This polymer N,Nf-dimethylurea (6). his sequence clearly instructure shows one site of coordination occupied dicates an influence of ligand substituents on stabilby oxygen of the ligand carbonyl with the other ity. This is the only thermochemical datum dealing positions being occupied by chloride bridges.with the methylurea ligand. The coordination characteristic of methylurea is In Our study, the Zn(mu)*X, (X = C 1 j Br) and expected to be the same as that of N,N'-M(mu)X, (M = Cd, Hg and X = C1, Br) adducts dimethylurea (dmu) where both molecules resem-were synthesized and characterized, with special ble the urea molecule (4, 5 ) in structure. prom concern being devoted to ...