In considering the sulfur-containing compounds obtain able from petroleum and its fractions five principal topics are discussed-sulfur compound types that occur in pe troleum and its fractions; methods of identifying, deter mining, and naming sulfur compounds; the chemical and physical properties of the sulfur compounds likely to be found in petroleum fractions; the effect of the various refinery processes upon the constituent sulfur compounds; and processes for segregating and manufacturing sulfur compounds from petroleum fractions. Included in this discussion are a number of key literature references which provide additional information and leads for continuing the search. In addition to specific references, general ref erence sources are given, such as the U. S. Patent Class and Subclasses, the work of the Bureau of Mines and API Project 48, a list of periodicals that generally publish articles on sulfur petroleum chemistry, and the names of those organizations that are actively engaged in the field. I η searching for information on the sulfur compounds obtainable from petroleum, the most inclusive single guide is the Chemical Abstracts. Very few fields of human endeavor can boast such a comprehensive, well-organized source of knowledge. However, it is this completeness that presents an obstacle to the searcher who has but a limited amount of time to spend on a subject that may embrace several different categories of the Abstracts. The chemistry of the sulfur compounds derivable from petroleum is such a case, since the sheer number of all the published reports on sulfur make the task of the literature searcher who is selecting the pertinent references monumental. Almost limitless amounts of time are required to locate each promising lead in the index, ferret it out in the Abstracts, and follow through, if necessary, to the original article. The examination of the abstracts alone requires large amounts of time. Of necessity the wording in the indexes must be brief, and many false leads are obtained from those clipped and sometimes cryptic phrases. Promising references which appear to contain the desired information in many cases turn out to be valueless.While there is no short cut method of examining all of the published information on sulfur, any systematic division of the subject into smaller topics should aid in reducing the time spent to obtain fruitful results. It is, therefore, the object of this paper to subdivide the problem into its component parts and to acquaint the searcher with the key points of each subdivision by summarizing some of the most important work published in the field and presenting a bibliography with the appropriate subject category. Typical and significant references are included. The intent has been to include many references which contain large bibliographies and which give leads to other information in that subject. It is hoped that with these summaries and lists of references as a background, the searcher will be aided in making his own study of his particular problem.