요 약염화탄화수소의 고온열분해 반응에서 생성물 반응경로 특성을 파악하기 위해 H 2 반응분위기에서 1,1-dichloroethylene(CH 2 CCl 2 ) 열분해반응 실험을 수행하였다. 열분해반응 실험은 등온관형반응기를 이용하여 반응온도 650~900 o C, 반응시간 0.3~2.0초에서 진행하였으며, 반응물 mole 분율은 전체 실험에서 CH 2 CCl 2 :Abstract − The pyrolytic reaction of 1,1-dichloroethylene(CH 2 CCl 2 ) has been conducted to investigate thermal decomposition of chlorocarbon and product formation pathways under hydrogen reaction environment. The reactions were studied in a isothermal tubular flow reactor at 1 atm total pressure in the temperature range 650~900 o C with reaction times of 0.3~2.0 sec. A constant feed molar ratio CH 2 CCl 2 :H 2 of 4:96 was maintained through the whole experiments. Complete decay(99%) of the parent reagent, CH 2 CCl 2 was observed at temperature near 825 o C with 1 sec. reaction time. The important decay of CH 2 CCl 2 under hydrogen reaction environment resulted from H atom cyclic chain reaction by abstraction and addition displacement. The highest concentration (28%) of CH 2 HCl as the primary product was observed at temperature 700 o C, where up to 46% decay of CH 2 CCl 2 was occurred. The secondary product, C 2 H 4 as main product was detected at temperature above 775 o C. The one less chlorinated ethylene than parent increase with temperature rise subsequently. The HCl and dechlorinated hydrocarbons such as C 2 H 4 , C 2 H 6 , CH 4 and C 2 H 2 were the main products observed at above 825 o C. The important decay of CH 2 CCl 2 resulted from H atom cyclic chain reaction by abstraction and addition displacement. The important pyrolytic reaction pathways to describe the features of reagent decay and intermediate product distributions, based upon thermochemical and kinetic principles, were suggested.