For the purpose of fixing the fractured distal femur, usually resorts to the use of metal internal fixation plates with all the accompanying (supportive) fixing devices such as screws, pins, and wires. These plates are manufactured according to standard dimensions and this means that they may not completely match the surface of the fractured distal femur for all patients, especially if the outer surface of the distal femur is complex and own more complex geometry., such as the distal femur. The complete mismatch, if it occurs, may lead to the emergence of immediate and future problems for the purpose of avoiding the occurrence of this problem and its accompanying complications and for the purpose of developing and accelerating the process of gaining complete recovery for the patient and saving time, effort, and money, in this paper, a new method is present to achieve the above goals through the design and manufacture of a three-dimensional plate for a specific patient that perfectly matches the external surface of the broken distal femur. Modern technologies are employed in the manufacturing process (additive manufacturing methods) to obtain an accurate plate dedicated to the fracture distal femur of a specific patient.