We have previously identified a generally occurring short-range mobility of nucleosome cores on DNA in relatively low ionic strength conditions. Here we report that this mobility of histone octamers positioned on constructs of 5S rDNA is suppressed by the binding of histone Hi or H5 to the nuceosome. Histone HS Is the more potent inhibitor of nudeosome mobility, in accordance with its higher affinity for chromatin. We propose that this reversible restraint on chromatin dynamics may play a role in local regulation of processes that require access to the DNA. H1 has been identified as a general repressor of transcription (6, 7). It was assumed previously that active genes were devoid of H1 and that Hl-induced higher-order structures caused repression. Recent studies, however, show that H1 remains in active chromatin fractions, probably in reduced amounts or with aweakened afflnity (8)(9)(10)(11). This modified association ofHi with active chromatin may allow access to the DNA.It should be noted that even without H1, the packaging of DNA into nucleosome cores in itselfrenders a large component of the DNA sequences inaccessible to trans-acting factors (for reviews, see refs. 12 and 13). The mechanisms of eukaryotic DNA processing probably involve a dynamic behavior of the nucleosome structure. Various modes of nucleosome disruption, nucleosome transfer, and histone dissociation have been invoked in models for initiation and elongation of transcription (for reviews, see refs. 13 and 14). We have identified (iS) a general mobility of nucleosomes under conditions of relatively low ionic strength that may be relevant to these models. Nucleosome cores containing the full histone octamer exhibit short-range mobility over 1O-bp DNA intervals. Thus the rotational setting of the DNA around the octamer is conserved during these nucleosome core movements (16). This temperature-dependent short-range mobility is distinct from the previously observed nucleosome sliding at relatively high ionic strengths (17, 18), which probably results from the weakening of histone-DNA interactions.Because of the probable importance of H1 as a general repressor, we have investigated the effect of the binding of linker histones on nucleosome mobility. Nucleosome positioning on sea urchin 58 rDNA is well characterized both without (19)(20)(21) and with (21) bound linker histones. We show that histones H1 and H5 (a member of the H1 family found in nucleated erythrocytes) effectively suppress the redistribution of histone octamers between possible nucleosome positions on this DNA. If nucleosome mobility is required for access to the DNA, then H1 could function as a repressor outside the context of the 30-nm fiber through its immobilization of nucleosome cores.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPreparation of DNA Substrates. The 207-bp sea urchin 5S rDNA fragments were generated from the tandemly repeated insert of plasmid p5S207-18 (22) by Ava I restriction digestion. Head-to-tail dimers of this sequence were obtained by ligation at the asymmetric Ava I s...