Production of fission Mo-99 ¡Reprocessing of nuclear fuel /Target fabrication Abstract Generally two different techniques are available for molybdenum-99 production for use in medical technetium-99 generation.The first one is based on neutron irradiation of molybdenum targets of natural isotopie composition or enriched in molybdenum-98. In these cases the Mo-99 is generated via the nuclear reaction "Mo (n,y) "Mo.Although this process can be carried out at low expenditure it gives a product of low specific activity and, hence, restricted applicability.In a second process Mo-99 is obtained as a result of the neutron induced fission of U-235 according to 235 U (n, 0" Mo.This technique provides a product with a specific activity several orders of magnitude higher than that obtained from the " Mo (η, γ)" Mo nuclear reaction and perhaps even more important up to several thousands curies of Mo-99 per production run.