Decimal reduction time (time to inactivate 90% of the population) (D) values of Bacillus anthracis spores in milk ranged from 3.4 to 16.7 h at 72°C and from 1.6 to 3.3 s at 112°C. The calculated increase of temperature needed to reduce the D value by 90% varied from 8.7 to 11.0°C, and the Arrhenius activation energies ranged from 227.4 to 291.3 kJ/mol. Six-log-unit viability reductions were achieved at 120°C for 16 s. These results suggest that a thermal process similar to commercial ultrahigh-temperature pasteurization could inactivate B. anthracis spores in milk.In 2001, the intentional release of anthrax spores through the U.S. Postal Service prompted increasing concern for a potential bioterrorist attack, including food terrorism. Due to the vulnerability of the food supply system, food and water could be deliberately contaminated and are considered two of the most viable targets for bioterrorism (7). Milk, as a product consumed every day especially by children, poses a high probability/high severity risk potential if Bacillus anthracis spores were purposely added to it at the farm, truck delivery, or processor level (23). In order to enhance milk safety against purposeful contamination with a biological agent, it is necessary to develop effective heat treatments capable of inactivating biological agents, such as large amounts of anthrax spores, that could be deployed immediately by milk processors in the event of a bioterrorist attack (23).Bacillus anthracis is a spore-forming, gram-positive bacillus that causes anthrax. There is very limited information about heat inactivation of B. anthracis spores in the literature, as most studies have focused on the heat resistance of other Bacillus species. The effects of different heating methods (boiling, moist heat, and dry heat) on heat inactivation of B. anthracis spores have also been reported (6,12,17,19,20). In general, it was reported that in different buffer solutions B. anthracis spore counts could be reduced by at least 10 6 CFU/ml if the spores were heated at 90°C for 20 min, at 100°C for 10 min, and 105°C for 5 to 10 min (12,19). At 120°C, the spores were destroyed after 5 to 15 min (20). The thermal kinetics of B. anthracis inactivation in buffer solutions, however, cannot be used to predict its destruction in foods, because the heat resistance can be increased by food components, such as protein and fat (3, 18).Because milk is not considered a vehicle of natural B. anthracis infections, very few studies have investigated the thermal resistance of B. anthracis spores in milk. In one recent study, standard pasteurization conditions (63°C, 30 min; 72°C, 15 s) killed 4 log CFU/ml vegetative B. anthracis cells but had no effect on spores (14). The authors concluded that standard pasteurization processes had little effect on the viability of B.anthracis spores (14). In another study, Novak et al. (13) reported the inactivation of B. anthracis strain Sterne in skim milk by 0.45 log CFU/ml after 90 min at 72°C, 8.1 log CFU/ml after 60 min at 100°C, and 7.7 log...