Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a well-established measuring method that is used on a large scale in different areas of research, development, and quality inspection and testing. Thermal effects can be quickly identifi ed and the relevant temperature and the characteristic caloric values determined using substance quantities in the mgmilligram range. Measurement values obtained by DSC allow heat capacity, heat of transition kinetic data, purity and glass transition to be determined. DSC curves serve to identify substances (Höhne et al. 1996). When a material undergoes a change in physical state such as melting or transition from one crystalline form to another, or when a material reacts chemically, heat is either absorbed or liberated. According to Lund (1983), DSC offers a tremendous potential for studying physicochemical changes that occur in foods. During the 1980s, its use in food research became apparent.DSC is characterised by its usefulness for analysing phase changes. Reactions that can lead to such phase changes are crystallisation of water (melting and freezing), evaporation of water and certain chemical reactions, for example protein denaturation. In DSC the temperature of the sample and reference are maintained the same and amount of heat required to achieve this is recorded. The DSC curve is a plot of heat fl ow against temperature. Consequently, the enthalpy change involved in the reaction can be determined from the area under the curve of heat-fl ow versus time. Material of known enthalpy can be used to calibrate the equipment. For samples containing water, evaporation is prevented using sealed containers. For examining frozen water in foods, results that are more reproducible are obtained while thawing frozen products than during cooling and freezing of products, because the variable phenomenon of super-cooling occurs during freezing. For proteins, the temperature corresponding to the maximum peak height is often used as an indication of the denaturation temperature, and the width of the peak as a measure of the complexity of the denaturation reaction. Using these assumptions, it is possible to observe how the denaturation temperature is affected by the changes in pH or the presence of other components, and the variation in enthalpy with denaturation temperature. As a protein becomes more denatured, the size of the peak should decrease. Phase changes in these both main components of the fi sh fl esh (water and protein) are subject of DSC investigation in this special fi eld. DSC has emerged 173 Fishery Products: Quality, safety and authenticity Edited by Hartmut Rehbein and Jörg Oehlenschläger