Abstract. Accurate measurement of water vapor in the climate sensitive region near the tropopause turned out to be very challenging. Unexplained systematic discrepancies between measurements at low water vapor mixing ratios made by different instruments on airborne platforms have limited our ability to adequately address a number relevant scientific questions on the humidity distribution, cloud formation and climate impact in that region. Therefore, during the past decade, the scientific community has undertaken substantial efforts to understand these discrepancies and improve the quality of 20 water vapor measurements. This study presents a comprehensive intercomparison of airborne state-of-the-art in situ hygrometers deployed onboard the DLR (German Aerospace Center) research aircraft HALO during the Mid-Latitude CIRRUS (ML-CIRRUS) campaign conducted in 2014 over central Europe. The instrument intercomparison shows that the hygrometer measurements agree within their combined accuracy (±10 to 15%, depending on the humidity regime), total mean values even agree within 2.5%. However, systematic differences on the order of 10% and up to a maximum of 15% are 25 found for mixing ratios below 10 parts per million (ppm) H 2 O. A comparison of relative humidity within cirrus clouds does not indicate a systematic instrument bias in either water vapor or temperature measurements in the upper troposphere.Furthermore, in situ measurements are compared to model data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) which are interpolated along the ML-CIRRUS flight tracks. We find a mean agreement within ±10% throughout the troposphere and a significant wet bias in the model on the order of 100% to 150% in the stratosphere close to 30 the tropopause. Consistent with previous studies, this analysis indicates that the model deficit is mainly caused by a blurred humidity gradient at tropopause altitudes.Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi