We propose a model for a chain vibrating in 3 dimensions (3D), with first neighbors anharmonic interatomic potential which depends on their distance, and subjected to an external tension.In the framework of the non-linear fluctuating hydrodynamic theory (NLFHT), that was successfully applied to 1D chains, we obtain a heat mode, two longitudinal and four transverse sound modes. We compute their spatio-temporal correlations comparing the theoretical results with molecular dynamics simulations, finding a good agreement for high temperatures. We find that the transverse sound modes behave diffusively, meanwhile the heat and longitudinal sound modes superdiffusively, exploring their possible scaling functions and characteristic exponents. * rbarreto@ungs.edu.ar † flor@campus.ungs.edu.ar ‡ amonast@ungs.edu.ar arXiv:1905.03024v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 26 Jun 2019 2 FIG. 1. (Color online) Sketch of the chain system. The blue particle (n = 0) is fixed. The other particles can move in the three directions.