Significant attention has been recently focussed on the realization of high precision nanothermometry using the spin-resonance temperature shift of the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV − ) center in diamond. However, the precise physical origins of the temperature shift is yet to be understood. Here, the shifts of the center's optical and spin resonances are observed and a model is developed that identifies the origin of each shift to be a combination of thermal expansion and electron-phonon interactions. Our results provide new insight into the center's vibronic properties and reveal implications for NV − thermometry.PACS numbers:, 61.72.jn, 76.70.hb The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV − ) center in diamond [1] is an important quantum technology platform for a range of new applications exploiting quantum coherence. Beyond quantum information processing, the prospect of employing the NV − center as a room temperature nanoscale electric and magnetic field sensor has attracted considerable interest [2][3][4][5][6][7]. Recently, the effects of temperature on the center's ground state spin resonance have been investigated [9], which enabled the influence of temperature on existing NV − metrology applications to be characterized and new thermometry applications to be proposed [8][9][10][11] and demonstrated [12][13][14]. However, the temperature shift of the center's spin resonance is not well understood and previous attempts at modelling the shift have been largely unsuccessful [9][10][11]. It is evident that the implementation of the NV − center as a nano-thermometer, magnetometer or electrometer requires a thorough understanding of the temperature shifts of its resonances, particularly if these implementations are designed for ambient conditions [15]. Here, the temperature shifts of the center's visible, infrared and spin resonances are observed and a model is developed that identifies the origin of each shift to be a combination of thermal expansion and electron-phonon interactions. This new insight reveals implications for NV − metrology.The NV − center is a C 3v point defect in diamond consisting of a substitutional nitrogen atom adjacent to a carbon vacancy that has trapped an additional electron (refer to Fig. 1a). As depicted in Fig. 1b, the oneelectron orbital level structure of the NV − center contains three defect orbital levels (a 1 , e x and e y ) deep within the diamond bandgap. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) observations and ab initio calculations indicate that these defect orbitals are highly localized to the center [16][17][18][19][20]. Figure 1c shows the center's manyelectron electronic structure generated by the occupation of the three defect orbitals by four electrons [21,22], including the low-temperature zero phonon line (ZPL) energies of the visible (E V ∼1.946 eV) [23] and infrared (E IR ∼1.19 eV) [24][25][26] transitions. The energy separations of the spin triplet and singlet levels ( 3 A 2 ↔ 1 E and 1 A 1 ↔ 3 E) are unknown. As depicted in the inset of Fig...