Fahmy and Ragai-Ellozy [11 have recently treated the problem of the thermal expansion coefficient in the thickness direction of a symmetric composite laminate. Unfortunately, however, an error has been made in their analysis. Specifically, Equation (1) of that work should take the form in the notation of [1]. In particular, vl 2 is major Poisson's ratio.The above equation is derived by considering the response of any layer of the laminate subjected to a constant unit temperature rise. The thickness strain is thus given by But, the membrane stresses are where a¡ = aL, a2 = aT, and Substitution of (3) and (4) into (2) leads to the expression (1). It should be noted that the laminate coefficients of expansion, ai ~ and a2 ~ , represent the respective strain components in the planes of elastic symmetry of any given layer, and therefore vary from layer to layer in arbitrary laminates according to the transformation of strain equations.