We explore the gas dynamics near the dust sublimation radius of active galactic nucleus (AGN). For the purpose, we perform axisymmetric radiation hydrodynamic simulations of a dusty gas disk of radius ≈ 1 pc around a supermassive black hole of mass 10 7 M taking into account (1) anisotropic radiation of accretion disk, (2) X-ray heating by corona, (3) radiative transfer of infrared (IR) photons reemitted by dust, (4) frequency dependency of direct and IR radiations, and (5) separate temperatures for gas and dust. As a result, we find that for Eddington ratio ≈ 0.77, a nearly neutral, dense (≈ 10 6 -8 cm −3 ), geometrically-thin (h/r < 0.06) disk forms with a high velocity (≈ 200 ∼ 3000 km s −1 ) dusty outflow launched from the disk surface. The disk temperature is determined by the balance between X-ray heating and various cooling, and the disk is almost supported by thermal pressure. Contrary to Krolik (2007), the radiation pressure by IR photons is not effective to thicken the disk, but rather compresses it. Thus, it seems difficult for a radiation-supported, geometrically-thick, obscuring torus to form near the dust sublimation radius as far as the Eddington ratio is high (∼ 1). The mass outflow rate is 0.05 -0.1 M /yr and the column density of the outflow is N H 10 21 cm −2 . To explain observed type-II AGN fraction, it is required that outflow gas is extended to larger radii (r 10 pc) or that a denser dusty wind is launched from smaller radii (r ∼ 10 4 R g ).