The widely used thermal Hartree–Fock (HF) theory is generalized to include the effect of electron correlation while maintaining its quasi-independent-particle framework. An electron-correlated internal energy (or grand potential) is postulated in consultation with the second-order finite-temperature many-body perturbation theory (MBPT), which then dictates the corresponding thermal orbital (quasiparticle) energies in such a way that all fundamental thermodynamic relations are obeyed. The associated density matrix is of a one-electron type, whose diagonal elements take the form of the Fermi–Dirac distribution functions, when the grand potential is minimized. The formulas for the entropy and chemical potential are unchanged from those of Fermi–Dirac or thermal HF theory. The theory thus stipulates a finite-temperature extension of the second-order Dyson self-energy of one-particle many-body Green’s function theory and can be viewed as a second-order, diagonal, frequency-independent, thermal inverse Dyson equation. At low temperatures, the theory approaches finite-temperature MBPT of the same order, but it may outperform the latter at intermediate temperatures by including additional electron-correlation effects through orbital energies. A physical meaning of these thermal orbital energies is proposed (encompassing that of thermal HF orbital energies, which has been elusive) as a finite-temperature version of Janak’s theorem.